Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Ukrainian Village in Edmonton AB

The Ukrainian Village in Edmonton is pretty alright... indeed it does reminds me of a farm in Ukraine, but minus of course actual Ukranians... because you see, oh I dunno about 99% of workers don't speak that language, which is OK... we are in Canada after all

The River bed beside a factory, they can build ANYTHING, a nuclear warhead? Sure...

Some Stranger.. I assure you, I don't know this guy

Become a Member for only 15 bucks, might as well just join the Oprah Book Club

"I walked to the farm, cut down some trees, build a buda, and covered it with sod"
Yep the good ol' days

"In Soviet Russia, jokes laugh at YOU!"

Feudal Bondage? Sign me up!

Laurier's Wife: As we traveled through Canada, there was nothing but Rocks, "See this is YOUR canada!"
in which Wilfrid most likely replied "Shut up wifey!"

Your a fool if you wash your hands in that washroom

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Fun with the family

less than weeks left before I depart for China, here is me having fun with my dad

My dad doing a straight armbar on me.. really hurts guys!

Me trying to pull a Kimura/Americana type arm lock, not sure if it worked though.. but my dad felt the pain :0

Me without my glasses, I look mildly different

My dad with 2 replica swords behind a Bruce Lee poster.... and my Cat's litter box...

Me behind a FAKE tiger head, and another Bruce Lee poster! Not much room in there....

Me trying to have an evil and bastardly looking grin....

This pose reminded me of the old Sonny Chiba samurai flicks

Bushido, way of the warrior

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Edmonton Japanese Club

Edmonton Japanese club at Harry Ainley High School, with Hiromi sensei:
No Streaming Preview avaialable, though

Edmonton Kung Fu Club 2006-2008

Chinese New Year 2007, Kung Fu Demonstration at West Edmonton Mall


University of Alberta, December 1 2007, Kung Fu Demonstration, included pretty much all the basic techniques that we learn, like sticky hands, Monkey Form 1 and 2, Kicks, and breaking chopsticks with your neck:


Every year or so, the class gets together to hold a Dinner Service, I've only attended 2 of them, one in February 23 2008, at Miramar Restaurant and on June 30 2008

This is the one in February 23 2008, at Miramar Restaurant

Kung Fu Club Dinner/Feb08

This is the Dinner service that was held on June 30 2008, 6:30 PM, at Century Palace Restaurant:


Same night as above, we went to get some "Bubble tea" or a smoothie, and played Jenga:
